Private Cloud vs. Public CloudWhat is a public cloud?A public cloud offers virtualized computing resources (servers, storage, applications, networking and more) that are managed by a third-party pr...
What is Network Address Translation? (NAT)When a computer was connected to the internet via a modem, it was assigned a Public IP address, and as a result, the computer was visible to the internet d...
What is Private Cloud?Private clouds - sometimes referred to as a data center - reside on a company’s own infrastructure, typically firewall protected and physically secured. Mature organizations t...
Local Area Network(LAN)?Local Area Network DefinitionA Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of computers or other devices interconnected within a single, limited area, typically via Ethernet or Wi-F...
What Is a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?A virtual private network is a computer network that gives online privacy to a user by creating an encrypted connection from a device to a network. It uses t...
什么是私有云?名词概述私有云可由公司自己的 IT 机构,也可由云提供商进行构建。在此“托管式专用”模式中,像 Sun ,IBM这样的云计算提供商可以安装、配置和运营基础设施,以支持一个公司企业数据中心内的专用云。此模式赋予公司对于云资源使用情况的极高水平的控制能力,同时带来建立并运作该环境所需的专门知识。一个著名技术专家曾经说过这样的一句话:“对于云计算,每个人都有自己的定义”。但是大家对于...