Tencent Innovation Center Building

Tencent is a world-leading internet and technology company.Serving more than 5.5 million companies and 130 million monthly active users.Tencent has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong since 2004.


Tencent Innovation Center



Tencent is a world-leading internet and technology company that develops innovative products and services to improve the quality of life of people around the world.With a total investment of 1 billion RMB, the Tencent Digital Economy Innovation Center project is built with a 1,000 square meter exhibition hall and a 4,600 square meter 5-story office area, with a total area of 5,600 square meters. It introduces big data, information technology, artificial intelligence and other fields to promote the development of digital industry clusters. The engineering business of this project is undertaken by integrator Chen Gong. The whole project needs centralized control of lighting system, screen control, staircase lighting control, intelligent curtain control, intelligent explanation broadcast program and other needs.

     解决方案Smart Solution


The project selected the track-type intelligent host 1U, in this infrastructure intelligent lighting selected a mature centralized control program: centralized control through the 10”central control screen S10, X series centralized control master control module X160 + relay module X816 + Hand-integrated AC contactor BCH8 program for the control of the power circuit, to ensure that in any fault state can be manually switched lighting, Staircase lighting selected the X series of   LED Control Module X169for the control of staircase lights; intelligent audio and video selected a high-power AC contactor to control the power supply of the large screen,Smart Linkage Voice Control Center GT+ bus video 4k player 4K01 to control the content of the lobby display large screen playback. Intelligent shading chose the intelligent curtain LS access system. This case involves more than ten subsystems.

     布线方式 Cabling Mode

× 集中总线Centralized Bus

× 分布式总线Distributed Bus

集中布线配合分布式布线Centralized cabling with distributed cabling

× 总线为主无线为辅Bus-based wireless

× 无线Wireless

     隐私保护方式Privacy Protection Methods

×   私有云Private cloud

×   VPN虚拟局域网VPN Virtual Local Area Network

×   集成商私有云Integrator private cloud

×   端口映射Port mapping

√   本地局域网控制Local LAN control

√   机器码校验Machine code verification

     相关软件Related Software




PC side: Used for basic data debugging

Serial debugging assistant: for data monitoring and bus data debugging

Local web control system: For building-wide control within the local computer intranet

     主要硬件 Primary hardware










Control Center 1U

Smart Linkage Voice Control Center GT

Master Control Module X160

8 Channel 16A Relay X816

Hand-integrated AC contactor BCH8

LED Control Module X169

10" Central Control Panel S10

4K Bus Video Player 4K01

Smart Curtain LS520ol protocol, access to any so

ftware platform.

     开发定制Develop Customization



Software: Customized 10" Central Control Panel S10 operating interface

Hardware: provide interface for secondary development of the demand side, no custom development items in this project

     涉及子系统Subsystems are involved   


×   外网隐私保护系统Extranet privacy protection system

×   家庭网络系统Home network system

×   离线语音控制系统Offline voice control system

智能中控   Intelligent central control

√   X-系列集中式综合控制系统X Series Centralized Integrated Control System

√   智能中控系统   Intelligent central control system

×   苹果HOMEKIT系统Apple HOMEKIT system

×   LORA智能控制系统LORA Intelligent Control System

×   KNX智能控制系统KNX intelligent control system

×   语音文字控制系统Voice and word control system

√   手机APP控制系统Mobile APP control system

√   展厅中控系统Exhibition hall central control system

专业控制   Professional control

×   语音文字控制系统Voice and word control system

×   协议信号转换系统Protocol signal conversion system

×   文字语音智能提示系统Text voice intelligent prompt system

×   无线中继系统Wireless relay isolation system

×   无线改装系统Wireless retrofit system

×   逻辑控制转换系统Logic controls the conversion system

×   总线中继隔离系统Bus relay isolation system

智能照明 Intelligent lighting

√   集中式灯光开关控制系统Centralized light switch control system

√   集中式灯光调光控制系统Centralized light dimming control system

×   分布式灯光开关控制系统 Distributed light switch control system

√   分布式灯光调光控制系统Distributed light dimming control system

√   可编程炫彩LED系统Programmable brilliant LED system

×   DMX-DALI调光系统DMX-DALI dimming system

×   大功率智能商业调光系统High-power intelligent commercial dimming system

×   柜体照明系统Cabinet lighting system

×   起夜照明系统Night lighting system

安防守护   Security

×   有线安防探测系统Wired security control system

×   无线安防探测系统Wireless security detection system

√   智能视频监控系统Intelligent video surveillance system

×   人体区位探测系统Human location detection system

空调暖通Air conditioning & HVAC

×   空调地暖控制系统Air conditioning and underfloor heating control system

×   水路燃气智能系统Waterway gas intelligent system

×   NEST暖通接入系统NEST HVAC access system

×   环境监测新风智能系统Environmental monitoring fresh air intelligent system

舒适生活Comfortable lifestyle

×   分布式插座控制系统Distributed socket control system

×   情景双控面板控制系统Scenario dual control panel control system

×   智能玻璃系统Intelligent glass system

×   智能电动晾衣架Intelligent electric clothes hanger

×   智能园艺控制系统Intelligent gardening control system

影音娱乐   Audio & Video

√   背景音乐系统Background music system

√   影音智能控制系统Video and audio intelligent control system

√   高清视频矩阵系统HD video matrix system

√   功能型背景音乐系统Functional background music system

×   自动互动讲解系统Automatic interactive explanation system

门锁门禁   Door locks access control

×   入户门禁门锁智能系统Indoor door lock intelligent system

×   别墅自动门系统Villa automatic door system

×   智能车牌识别系统Intelligent license plate recognition system

门窗遮阳   Window & door control

√   窗帘控制系统Curtain control system

× 门窗控制系统 Door and window control system

能源管理 Energy   management

×   主电源回路智能系统Main power loop intelligent system

×   局部智能供电保障系统Local intelligent power supply guarantee system

×   传统开关冗余控制系统Traditional switch redundancy control system

环境监测   Environmental   monitoring

×   机房动环监控系统Machine room dynamic ring monitoring system

×   工业传感探测系统Industrial sensing detection systems

×   家庭传感探测系统Home sensing detection systems

     拓展方案Extend Solution


Intelligent scene broadcast system to achieve voice interaction with programmable light belt can realize the guidance of automatic personnel shopping exhibition, state reminders and other intimate interactive functions.

     方案适用The Solution Applies


Various government exhibition halls, commercial exhibition halls, industry exhibition halls, integrators, channel providers, solution providers, etc
