Forbidden City

As one of the five most important palaces in the world, the grand halls and walls proudly display the essence and culmination of traditional Chinese architecture.


The Forbidden City Intelligent Upgrade


故宫(也被称为紫禁城建于1925年是中国最大最完整的古建筑群占地面积约72万平方米,建筑面积约15万平方米,有大小宫殿70多座,房屋9000余间。中国乃至世界最负盛名的博物馆之一。本次智能化改造结合故宫博物馆现有的文物古建筑,坚持最小干预和古建保护的原则,确保古建筑的绝对安全。通过智能化改造,建设智慧营区和智慧特勤站,肩负以世界文化遗产故宫为中心,天安门地区 3.74 平方公里的火灾扑救和应急救援任务

Established in 1925,the Palace Museum is China's largest and most intact ancient building complexalso known as the Forbidden City. The well-designed palace appears magnificent, solemn and harmonious, representing the long cultural tradition of China and its outstanding architectural accomplishments five centuries ago. It is a truly superb masterpiece in every sense. The vast holdings of paintings, calligraphy, ceramics, and antiquities of the imperial collections make it one of the most prestigious museums in China and the world.The Forbidden City is enormous. It covers an area of 178 acres that include 90 palaces with courtyards, 980 total buildings, and at least 9,000 rooms. The total floor space is over 1,600,000 square feet.The intelligent transformation combined with the existing heritage of the Forbidden City Museum of ancient buildings, adhere to the principle of minimal intervention and protection of ancient buildings to ensure the absolute safety of ancient buildings.Through intelligent transformation, the construction of intelligent camp and intelligent special duty station, shouldering the world cultural heritage of the Forbidden City as the center of the 3.74 square kilometers of the Tiananmen Square area fire fighting and emergency rescue tasks.

     解决方案Smart Solution

北京故宫智慧营区整体的智化改造和升级整体采用了集中控制方案软件采用平板安装SMRTE P版本主要硬件选用了Z系列产品,包括智能主机Z001主控继电器Z416电源Z-POWER调光模块ZRGB等,实现了集中控制及智能调光。通过HDMI 4K无缝拼接矩阵 4X4 HD02 实现拼接屏控制对接总线视频切换等功能通过中央空调总线网关AG01实现对空调集中控制通过语音智能联动网关GT实现语音播报讲解控制面板采用4.32.5D玻璃中控屏P04另有能源空开集中能源管控,网络机顶盒,萤石摄像头等接入系统本次改造不仅让营区焕然一新,智能化的加入更是让这栋古老的建筑注入了灵动。子系统主要包括电源控制系统、安防监控系统、灯光控制系统、视音频系统、中央空调控制系统,语音播报讲解系统,会议室控制系统等10 余个子系统。

The overall intelligent transformation and upgrade of the Forbidden City Museum as a whole adopted a centralized control program, Software using flat installation SMRTE P version, the main hardware selected Z series products, including intelligent Control Center Z001,4 Channel 16A Control Relay Z416,Power Supply Z-POWER, Dimming Module ZRGB, etc., to achieve centralized control and intelligent dimming. Through the HDMI 4K seamless splicing matrix 4X4 HD02 to achieve splicing screen control docking and bus video switching and other functions. Centralized control of air conditioners is realized through the central air conditioning bus gateway AG01. Through the Smart Linkage Voice Control Center GT to achieve voice broadcast explanation. The control panel adopts2.5D glass 4.3" Central Control Panel P04, and there is also centralized energy control by energy air switch, network set-top box, fluorite camera and other access systems. The renovation not only gives the camp a new look, the addition of intelligence makes this old building injected with spirit. The subsystems mainly include power control system, security monitoring system, lighting control system, video and audio system, central air conditioning control system, voice broadcast explanation system, conference room control system and other 10 subsystems.

     布线方式 Cabling Mode

× 集中总线Centralized Bus

× 分布式总线Distributed Bus

集中布线配合分布式布线Centralized cabling with distributed cabling

× 总线为主无线为辅Bus-based wireless

× 无线Wireless

     隐私保护方式Privacy Protection Methods

√   私有云Private cloud

×   VPN虚拟局域网Virtual private network

×   集成商私有云Integrator private cloud

×   端口映射Network address translation

√   本地局域网控制Local area network

√   机器码校验Machine code verification

     相关软件Related Software







APP: Used for mobile and tablet remote control

For PC : Used for basic data debugging

Local control system:Used to control the whole project within the local computer intranet

Online control system: Intelligent centralized control platform based on network

Private cloud: provide effective control over data, security and service quality

Big data visualization platform: used to realize the three-dimensional presentation of massive data

     主要硬件 Primary hardware










HDMI 4K无缝拼接矩阵 4X4HD02


Control Center Z001

4 Channel 16A Control Relay Z416

Power Supply Z-POWER

Dimming Module ZRGB

Smart Linkage Voice Control Center GT

4.3" Central Control Panel P04

Dry Contact Electric Circuit Breaker EM04

Three Phase Energy Meter EM02

Central Air Conditioning Gateway AG01

HDMI 4*4 Matrix HD02

Ezviz webcam

     开发定制Develop Customization



Custom developed P04 control page,background and program for central control panel

Provide interface for demand-side secondary development

     涉及子系统Subsystems are involved   


          ×   外网隐私保护系统Extranet privacy protection system

          ×   家庭网络系统Home network system

          ×   离线语音控制系统Offline voice control system

智能中控   Intelligent central control

          ×   X-系列集中式综合控制系统X Series Centralized Integrated Control System

          √   智能中控系统   Intelligent central control system

          ×   苹果HOMEKIT系统Apple HOMEKIT system

          ×   LORA智能控制系统LORA Intelligent Control System

          ×   KNX智能控制系统KNX intelligent control system

          √   语音文字控制系统Voice and word control system

          ×   手机APP控制系统Mobile APP control system

          √   展厅中控系统Exhibition hall central control system

专业控制   Professional control

          √   语音文字控制系统Voice and word control system

          ×   协议信号转换系统Protocol signal conversion system

          ×   文字语音智能提示系统Text voice intelligent prompt system

          ×   无线中继系统Wireless relay isolation system

          ×   无线改装系统Wireless retrofit system

          ×   逻辑控制转换系统Logic controls the conversion system

          √   总线中继隔离系统Bus relay isolation system

智能照明 Intelligent lighting

          √   集中式灯光开关控制系统Centralized light switch control system

          √   集中式灯光调光控制系统Centralized light dimming control system

          ×   分布式灯光开关控制系统 Distributed light switch control system

          ×   分布式灯光调光控制系统Distributed light dimming control system

          ×   可编程炫彩LED系统Programmable brilliant LED system

          ×   DMX-DALI调光系统DMX-DALI dimming system

          √   大功率智能商业调光系统High-power intelligent commercial dimming system

          ×   柜体照明系统Cabinet lighting system

          ×   起夜照明系统Night lighting system

安防守护   Security

          √   有线安防探测系统Wired security control system

          ×   无线安防探测系统Wireless security detection system

          √   智能视频监控系统Intelligent video surveillance system

          ×   人体区位探测系统Human location detection system

空调暖通Air conditioning & HVAC

          √   空调地暖控制系统Air conditioning and underfloor heating control system

          ×   水路燃气智能系统Waterway gas intelligent system

          ×   NEST暖通接入系统NEST HVAC access system

          √   环境监测新风智能系统Environmental monitoring fresh air intelligent system

舒适生活Comfortable lifestyle

          ×   分布式插座控制系统Distributed socket control system

          ×   情景双控面板控制系统Scenario dual control panel control system

          ×   智能玻璃系统Intelligent glass system

          ×   智能电动晾衣架Intelligent electric clothes hanger

          ×   智能园艺控制系统Intelligent gardening control system

影音娱乐   Audio & Video

          √   背景音乐系统Background music system

          ×   影音智能控制系统Video and audio intelligent control system

          √   高清视频矩阵系统HD video matrix system

          ×   功能型背景音乐系统Functional background music system

          √   自动互动讲解系统Automatic interactive explanation system

门锁门禁   Door locks access control

          ×   入户门禁门锁智能系统Indoor door lock intelligent system

          ×   别墅自动门系统Villa automatic door system

          ×   智能车牌识别系统Intelligent license plate recognition system

门窗遮阳   Window & door control

          ×   窗帘控制系统Curtain control system

          × 门窗控制系统 Door and window control system

能源管理 Energy   management

          √   主电源回路智能系统Main power loop intelligent system     

          ×   局部智能供电保障系统Local intelligent power supply guarantee system

          √   传统开关冗余控制系统Traditional switch redundancy control system

环境监测   Environmental   monitoring

          √   机房动环监控系统Machine room dynamic ring monitoring system

          ×   工业传感探测系统Industrial sensing detection systems

          ×   家庭传感探测系统Home sensing detection systems

     拓展方案Extend Solution

智能场景播报系统实现语音交互体验语音场景自动触发,并对应后台所提供内容服务。支持对未读和已读的景点进行标识区别。支持近距离感知信息自动推送功能,当游客进入某个景点将自动推送播放该景点的讲解内容,全程全自动语音导览。使用GPS 进行定位,自动识别景点位置,自动播放音、视频信息。

Intelligent scene broadcast system for voice interaction experience.The voice scene is automatically triggered and provide service corresponds to the content by the background. It supports identify and differentiate read and unread   scenic spots. It supports the automatic push function of short-range perception information. When tourists enter a scenic spot, they will automatically push and play the explanation content of the scenic spot, and the whole process will be fully automatic voice guided. Use GPS for positioning, automatically identify the location of scenic spots, and automatically play audio and video information.

     方案适用The Solution Applies


       Various government exhibition halls, commercial exhibition halls, industry exhibition halls, integrators, channel providers, solution providers, etc
